The 100 Greatest Professional Wrestlers of All-Time

Methodology. (last update: 7/4/24)

1Hulk Hogan
2Ric Flair
3“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
4The Undertaker
5The Rock
6John Cena
7Shawn Michaels
8“Macho Man” Randy Savage
9Bret Hart
10Andre The Giant
11Roman Reigns
12Brock Lesnar
13Lou Thesz
14Buddy Rogers
15Bruno Sammartino
16Seth Rollins
17Triple H
18Harley Race
19Dusty Rhodes
21Mick Foley
22Cody Rhodes
23Gorgeous George
24Chris Jericho
25Kurt Angle
26Randy Orton
27Ted DiBiase
28Roddy Piper
29Terry Funk
30Daniel Bryan
32Scott Hall
33Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
34Nick Bockwinkel
35Jake “The Snake” Roberts
37Jerry “The King” Lawler
38AJ Styles
39John Moxley
40Bob Backlund
41The Big Show
42“Superstar” Billy Graham
43Mr. Pefect
44CM Punk
45Chris Benoit
46Big Van Vader
47Dory Funk Jr.
48Jack Brisco
49Bruiser Brody
50Pedro Morales
51Kevin Nash
52Drew McIntyre
53Rick Rude
54The Ultimate Warrior
55Vern Gagne
56The Miz
57Stan Hansen
58Jimmy Snuka
59Dick the Bruiser
60Ray Stevens
61Booker T.
62Rey Mysterio
64Kevin Owens
65The Sheik
66Jeff Hardy
67Eddie Guerrero
68Kenny Omega
70Lex Luger
71Bam Bam Bigelow
72Ed “the Strangler” Lewis
73Abdullah the Butcher
74Kerry Von Erich
75Bray Wyatt
77Bobby Lashley
79Scott Steiner
80The British Bulldog
81Sgt. Slaughter
84Sami Zayn
86Rick Martel
87Rick Steiner
88Jey Uso
89Arn Anderson
91Ron Simmons
92Killer Kowalski
93Road Warrior Hawk
94Dynamite Kid
95Terry Gordy
97The Crusher
98Wahoo McDaniel
99Owen Hart
100Gene Kiniski

42 thoughts on “The 100 Greatest Professional Wrestlers of All-Time

  1. Goldust Brian Pullman Tully Blanchard The Crusher Rick Martell Cody Rhodes Chris Benoit and several others not in top 100

  2. I appreciate the comment.

    It’s hard to make that argument for each of the wrestlers you mentioned, let alone all of them. There’s no question that it becomes akin to splitting hairs the further down the list you go. It’s not a coincidence that six of the seven you named are outside of the top 70.

    I would love to hear who belongs in the place of the seven you mentioned. Keep in mind…

    Benoit is a top-100 wrestler of all-time by any standard that doesn’t include personal transgressions.

    Cody is the brains and the face behind the WWE’s first legitimate competition since WCW died. He was a decent wrestler in the WWE (the “Dashing Cody Rhodes” gimmick is underrated) but his WWE work is not what gets him on the list. He did the unthinkable and created WWE’s first legitimate competition in nearly two decades. His impact on the industry is significant and it’s likely only to go up from here.

    Goldust’s character is one of the most controversial and longstanding in the history of professional wrestling. If you were around in ’95 when it debuted, you know how cutting edge it was. All told, Dustin has wrestled for 33 years and won 18 belts between WWE and WCW. It would be very difficult to argue that someone else should be on this list ahead of him.

    I’d be happy to go on about Martel, Tully, Pillman, and The Crusher but I’ll leave it at that for now.

      1. Any comment on a top 100 list advocating for Greg The Hammer Valentine is completely illegitimate.

        As tempting as it is to put as much thought and effort into my comment as you did yours, I’m going to choose to support my viewpoint with words. I love me some Hammer. First and foremost, there have been thousands of professional wrestlers over the years. Valentine would be one of the next 5-10 on the list if I expanded it to 150 or so which is pretty lofty considering all of the great performers who have come and gone. There are many reasons why Valentine doesn’t rate higher on my list. He had some notable feuds in the territories with Ric Flair, Roddy Piper, and Wahoo McDaniel. However, when wrestling took off in the mid-80s, Valentine was quickly relegated to mid-card and tag-team status. From 1984 until he left the big-time scenes in 1998, Valentine was too much in the background to beat out the other players on this list. After a brief IC run in the WWF, he was never in the title picture, he essentially stopped dropping promos, and didn’t evolve his character in any way unless you count dyeing his hair black to appease Elvis. If you go down the list of qualities that make for an elite top-tier performer, Valentine doesn’t score high in any category. He was a consummate professional with a good nickname. To hit the top-100, you gotta bring more to the table.

    1. I’ve got a solid explanation on RVD and it goes something like this… I mistakenly deleted his name. 🤷‍♂️ I have a master list that I transfer names to and from and somehow he got lost in the wash. He was a candidate for the back half of the top 100 for sure. I’ll definitely get him properly rated for the next update (whether he ends up in the top 100 or HM will depend on a few factors). The next update will probably happen after WrestleMania; there are some current superstars who have made major moves since the initial list was revealed (Bobby Lashley etc.) which I suspect will ultimately decide RVDs fate. Thanks for pointing out RVD’s omission!

  3. Hey Inferno!

    There is a separate women’s list. Chyna (2) and Lita (4) feature prominently.

    Rey Mysterio is #60! Jeff Hardy is #63!

    X-Pac and Matt Hardy are on the fringe.

    X-Pac is an interesting case. On one hand, he was in DX and the NWO. On the other hand, the biggest accomplishments of his career were being in DX and the NWO. He was a fantastic wrestler and had a few memorable angles (the 1-2-3 Kid/Razor angle that put him on the big stage was one of the better angles ever) but he was a support guy. For me, he’s just outside of the top 100.

    Matt Hardy hasn’t had the same singles spotlight as Jeff even though I think his Broken Matt Hardy gimmick could’ve been much, much bigger with the right creative.

      1. Hey Max!

        Orndorff just fell out of the top 100 with my last update earlier this month. So, that means I have him currently among the top 105 wrestlers of all-time which I would say is pretty high praise. Even in his era, he gets lost among the greats (Hogan, Andre, Flair, Savage, Steamboat, Rude, Perfect, Piper, DiBiase, Sting, Jake, Dusty, Funk) and that was 40 years ago. There’s just too many options to keep Mr. Wonderful afloat in the top 100.

  4. Hey Sally!

    Bobby Lashley will be moving into the top-100 after my next update (after WrestleMania). It took him a while to get here but he’s a superstar and has made enough of a mark to crack the list. Given what he’s accomplished in the last year, he’ll likely debut in a strong position.

    Braun Strowman was criminally underutilized in the WWE. He is a sure-fire top-100 talent but the creative failed him. I was hoping he’d land with AEW where he could realize his potential as the top heel in a company. His WWE run had some good moments but it was unsatisfying overall and I don’t think his career is strong enough to break into the top-100, yet. Lashley laid the blueprint for a massive talent to find his groove late in his career so hopefully, we’ll be seeing the same from Braun.

    Given Samoa Joe is #100 and given Bobby Lashley (at a minimum) will be entering the list as of the next update, it’s safe to say Joe’s time on the list will be coming to an end soon. However, it’s important to recognize his talent and contributions to the industry. Although his WWE run ended unceremoniously and without the same success we were used to seeing from him, he was a massive star in promotions all over the world for nearly two decades. After WCW died in 2001, the WWE’s consolidation of talent made it virtually impossible for a competitor to emerge. That didn’t mean wrestling outfits weren’t trying. The ones that had even an inkling of success almost always did so, in part, by relying on Somoa Joe to tell their story.

  5. The Iron Sheik is worthy of consideration on a list like this and he does nab a spot on “The Next 100” list. However, he’s just not in the same category as the rest of the wrestlers in the top 100. He did a great job filling the foreign heel role in the 80s with Nikolai Volkoff but he’s probably most known for being the wrestler that Hulk Hogan beat to win his first WWF Heavyweight Championship. Sheik held the belt once for less than a month and then was quickly tossed into the tag team ranks with Volkoff. It’s hard to come up with a defining angle that Sheik was a major player in. Volkoff and Sheik were relevant for a few years as a tag team but beyond that, his career is pretty nondescript. I’d argue the most significant angle he ever participated in was Sgt Slaughter’s betrayal of America angle when he portrayed Colonel Mustafa. That’s not going to cut it on a list as talented as this one.

  6. Your list is pretty good and I can’t argue with it too much. But an honorable mention could be made for Jesse The Body Ventura, Mad Dog Vachon, Tommy Wildfire Rich, Michael Hayes, Marty Jannetty and Larry the Ax (aka Pretty Boy) Henning. Those guys were all champions and stars in their day.

    1. Hey Josiah,

      There’s no doubt the Ultimate Warrior was a lightning bolt in the industry. Like a lightning bolt, he was flashy, electric, powerful, and memorable. However, also like a lightning bolt, he was short-lived and destructive. This what I wrote when describing the methodology for this list:

      “The Ultimate Warrior was a pop culture icon. At Wrestlemania 7, he became the first person to cleanly pin Hulk Hogan in nine years. He would send Macho Man into retirement the following year in the first and only career vs. career match in Wrestlemania history. He starred in Slim Jim commercials, appeared on Regis & Kathy Lee and the Arsenio Hall Show, and was adorned to Wrestling Buddies and Hasbro figures alike. His popularity would eclipse even that of the Immortal Hulk Hogan. So, it would make sense if his legacy was mistaken for more than what it was.

      The reality is that Warrior had a reputation for working stiff (unintentionally hurting his opponent). His skill-set was limited to a few basic moves. He gassed himself out sprinting to the ring, leading to short matches. He delivered rambling promos that did nothing to further storylines. Worse yet, he was notoriously unreliable. Without this additional context, it would be easy to overrate his legacy.”

  7. Two things I’m curious about. Why does Hawk outrank Animal so much? Super surprised by that. What a rush! Secondly, what puts Nash at 50? I thought he was pretty impacted. Am I misremembering Big Sexy?

    1. Hey Anthony!
      Great questions, specifically on the difference in ranking between Hawk and Animal. Obviously, they are by most accounts the greatest tag team in North American wrestling history. They made their mark in the tag team ranks and their work there carries the most weight when evaluating their careers. FWIW, Animal would likely rate in the first 10-15 spots outside the top 100. Hawk edges Animal for a few reasons. Here they are in no particular order:

      1). Hawk had more singles success both in North America and overseas. He challenged Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at two major NWA events in 1987 and 1988 and challenged Rick Rude for the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship in 1993. Animal never got that kind of spotlight outside of the Road Warriors.

      2). Hawk was the mouthpiece for the tag team, he was the stronger worker in the ring for the tag team, and his iconic, grizzly, “Oooooh, what a rush!” hook is in the pantheon of wrestling catchphrases.

      Obviously, Animal was a huge part of the Road Warriors and is an absolute legend in his own right. I just think there is a bit of a difference between their resumes.

      As for Nash, there is no doubt he was impactful. The NWO angle might be the greatest in history. He thrived both as a singles and a tag team performer. The reason he doesn’t rate higher than 50 is based on a few factors. First, he was never THE guy. Second, he was not an elite worker. Third, there wasn’t a lot of character versatility. Yes, he won world championships but that is different than being THE guy and, yes, he was a good worker for his size, but that’s different than being an elite worker. I look at a guy like Scott Hall (Nash’s cohort in the NWO and “The Outsiders”) and Hall is superior in just about every category I used to evaluate wrestling resumes. IMO, Hall is Nash’s ceiling on a list like this. Then it comes down to what other big men rate ahead of Nash. That might be something I revisit in the future. I currently have Vader, The Big Show, and Kane ahead of Nash. There are compelling arguments he should be rated behind all three and, frankly, equally compelling arguments he should be rated ahead of all three. It really just comes down to how much credit you give Nash as the third-best player in the original NWO and how much you factor in his limited in-ring work. Longevity plays a big part, too. Nash stuck around for a minute but nothing compared to the runs near the top by Kane and The Big Show.

  8. Hey man. I just have one question….How in the hell is Abdullah the Butcher on this list? AND he’s higher than Batista? Batista is ranked 75 out of 100??? Please explain….

    1. Abdullah the Butcher wrestled for 62 years. He wrestled everyone from Lou Thesz to Mick Foley. He was a special attraction known for his brutal feuds with the likes of The Shiek and Bruiser Brody. Abdullah the Butcher was hardcore before hardcore was hardcore. Batista had an exceptional physique and certainly moved well for his size. He was a headliner for a brief run before moving on to Hollywood. Comparing these two is like comparing Apples to Pepperoni. Both have vastly different career resumes and character types. I’ll go with the guy who pioneered a style decades before it would be embraced by wrestling fans and in-ring performers.

  9. No list is ever going to make everyone happy. I’ve looked at a number of top 100 wrestlers and am usually so sick to my stomach by the time I get up to #80 that I quit reading and just flash to the top 10 before throwing up in my mouth. I’m sure I could find 10-15 guys who may be more deserving than some near the bottom of your list but I’m not going. Instead I’m going to salute your list as of all the ones I’ve looked at it is clearly the best one I’ve seen. So hats off, job well done sir!

  10. Hey Carl!

    The advantage that Bray Wyatt has in terms of creativity and evolution of character is substantial. In fact, I think it’s such that it offsets any advantage Batista has over Wyatt in other areas. Although, I’m not sure in what areas Batista does have an advantage. The only negative for Wyatt is that he was badly misused in the WWE. Otherwise, he’d be much, much higher on the list.

    1. Thanks for making this list. I’m a list-maker myself, and I enjoy compiling many lists, including those of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. That said, I consider this the definitive list, as it is obviously well-thought out and defended. I look forward to it being updated. My only request would be to “time-stamp” it somehow, so we know when the list was last updated.

      1. Hey Kurt!

        I appreciate the comments and the time-stamp suggestion (I’ll look into that). In the meantime, the fastest way to see the date of the last list update (for any of the lists) is to look at the Activity Log on the home page. Just look under the “Sport” column and scroll for the date of the latest update. Coincidentally, I was updating the list when your comment came through and the list has been freshly updated. FYI–This list changes at a glacier pace compared to the others simply because it’s performance art rather than an athletic competition (with wins and losses). Unfortunately, that just means this list will be updated less frequently than the others. For perspective, the last update prior to today’s was in 2022.

    1. All very good performers. Tito and the (original) Rock have been surpassed by too many wrestlers to justify inclusion. Honky’s omission is a tough one for me since he was white hot as a heel for two consecutive years. However, his run at the top was just too short. He’s one of my favorites.

    1. Elijah,

      Osprey is an interesting case. I feel comfortable waiting things out before forming an opinion on his legacy.

      RE: New Japan–Here is what I wrote in the write-up for the list:

      “U.S. and Canada

      When it comes to pro wrestling, comparing success in Japan to the U.S. and Canada is a losing proposition not because one is better than the other but because we have little overlap to form a basis for comparison. The audiences and cultures are very different from each other. In Japan, in-ring technical work has historically been the most emphasized element, which is supported by the fact that 125 of the 160 5-star matches awarded by Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter have taken place within Japanese promotions. In the U.S. and Canada, physique, the ability to deliver memorable promos, moving merchandise, and driving ratings have all played more important roles in defining legacies.

      These two distinct wrestling cultures have had very few lasting collaborations and crossover stars, although Japan has been much kinder to its visitors. The list of U.S. wrestlers who have been embraced by Japanese audiences is long and varied. It includes Big Van Vader, Stan Hansen, Scott Norton, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, and Prince Albert, all of whom were more popular in Japan than in the U.S. The list of Japanese stars who have been embraced by American audiences stands at Shinsuke Nakamura. In all seriousness, while the Great Muta, the Great Kabuki, Ultimo Dragon, and Jushin “Thunder” Liger did achieve modest success in the States, they weren’t exactly featured in their respective promotions.

      To fairly compare North American wrestlers to Japanese wrestlers, we would need to see them in the same universe with the same opportunities, and that just hasn’t happened. Instead of randomly splicing Japanese legends throughout the list, we’re better off settling on a U.S. and Canada-centric list and deferring the Japanese list to those immersed in the Japanese culture. Although Rikidozan, Antonio Inoki, and Giant Baba might be household names even among American wrestling fans, there’s a difference between being aware they existed and understanding their impact.

      We certainly wouldn’t expect a Japanese wrestling fan to accurately rank, say, The Ultimate Warrior without a deep understanding of American wrestling culture. The Ultimate Warrior was a pop culture icon. At Wrestlemania 7, he became the first person to cleanly pin Hulk Hogan in nine years. He would send Macho Man into retirement the following year in the first and only career vs. career match in Wrestlemania history. He starred in Slim Jim commercials, appeared on Regis & Kathy Lee and the Arsenio Hall Show, and was adorned to Wrestling Buddies and Hasbro figures alike. His popularity would eclipse even that of the Immortal Hulk Hogan. So, it would make sense if his legacy was mistaken for more than what it was.

      The reality is that Warrior had a reputation for working stiff (unintentionally hurting his opponent). His skill-set was limited to a few basic moves. He gassed himself out sprinting to the ring, leading to short matches. He delivered rambling promos that did nothing to further storylines. Worse yet, he was notoriously unreliable. Without this additional context, it would be easy to overrate his legacy. Without having intimate knowledge of Japanese wrestling culture to avoid making similar miscalculations, we’re better off outsourcing to experts. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a top-100 Japanese list. Hopefully, that changes at some point. In the meantime, here is an informative rundown of 50 of the greatest Japanese wrestlers of all-time.

      Latino wrestlers have had more success in the U.S. than their Japanese counterparts, although even that door has only been open for 25 years. Lucha libre in the states didn’t take off in earnest until WCW began to promote its cruiserweight division in 1996. Wrestling fans would immediately marvel at the pace and athleticism of Rey Mysterio Jr., Eddie Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Psicosis, La Parka, and Super Calo. Since Latino stars who predated this lucha explosion rarely got the opportunity to apply their craft in the U.S., it also makes sense to recognize them separately rather than force them onto a list without having proper cultural context. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a top-100 Latino list, either. Hopefully, that changes, too. In the meantime, here is an informative rundown of 15 of the greatest luchadores of all-time.”

    1. Hi Stewart,

      This was asked above, so I’ll copy and paste my response:

      Great questions, specifically on the difference in ranking between Hawk and Animal. Obviously, they are by most accounts the greatest tag team in North American wrestling history. They made their mark in the tag team ranks and their work there carries the most weight when evaluating their careers. FWIW, Animal would likely rate in the first 10-15 spots outside the top 100. Hawk edges Animal for a few reasons. Here they are in no particular order:

      1). Hawk had more singles success both in North America and overseas. He challenged Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at two major NWA events in 1987 and 1988 and challenged Rick Rude for the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship in 1993. Animal never got that kind of spotlight outside of the Road Warriors.

      2). Hawk was the mouthpiece for the tag team, he was the stronger worker in the ring for the tag team, and his iconic, grizzly, “Oooooh, what a rush!” hook is in the pantheon of wrestling catchphrases.

      Obviously, Animal was a huge part of the Road Warriors and is an absolute legend in his own right. I just think there is a bit of a difference between their resumes.

  11. Where’s Dan Hodge? He could take anyone on that list and twist into a pretzel stick, NO ONE was more feared or revered than Dan Hodge

    1. Great shout out to a bona fide badass, Jaime. Feel free to put together a list of the greatest amateur wrestlers of all-time. I’d love to see it. That’s the list that Hodge belongs on.

  12. I can’t argue with the top 5, maybe even the top 10, but I feel like Sting should be at 11. During the Monday Night Wars he was literally the face of WCW.

    1. Hey Dan!

      I agree with your statement about Sting being the face of WCW during the Monday Night Wars, but only on a technicality. Of course, the real driver for WCW during the Monday Night Wars was the NWO (particularly Hall and Nash’s “invasion” and Hogan’s heel turn) which technically was not a part of WCW. However, when we’re talking about what propelled WCW to overtake WWE in the ratings, it can 99% be attributed to the NWO. Sting deserves credit for evolving to his Crow character which was a more appropriate foil to the NWO than his bleach blonde, beach bro gimmick. But, in terms of his importance in the Wars, I think it’s important to keep that in context. Otherwise, we have to start talking about DDP being in the top 20. To be fair, Sting didn’t need to be the face of WCW during the Monday Night Wars to end up higher on the all-time list. He just needed to not disappear into relative oblivion when Vince McMahon bought WCW in 2001. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what he did. Sting was only 42 at the time. He was in good shape and had green grass ahead of him with potential colossal dream match-ups with the Undertaker, Austin, the Rock, HHH, Mankind, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and even a few more go-arounds with Ric Flair. Instead, he chose TNA. There’s no question that Sting would be significantly higher on this list had he made a different decision. While I like where he’s at right now, I could make an argument for Sting as high as #13 just behind Brock Lesnar. I wouldn’t be able to come up with a sound argument for anything higher than that. The way his career panned out after 2001 is one of the all-time bummers in wrestling history, given what could’ve been.

  13. I disagree with most of the lists on this site but you have absolutely nailed the wrestling one. Even the new updates after wrestlemania 40 are practically perfect. I love how you take into account old NWA stars as well.

    I do wish you had more japanese stars like The Great Muta, Antonio Inoki, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Giant Baba, Tetsuya Naito, Kazuchika Okada, Misawa, Sasaki, and of course Rikidozan.

    Also some Mexican legends like El Santo. But as for the Western pro wrestling world this list is bang on, and I haven’t seen a list better.

    1. I appreciate the comments, John! In a previous comment I touched on why I made the list North America and Canada centric. I’d love to incorporate the names you mentioned on an all-encompassing list, and I started the list with that as a goal. It became obvious in a hurry that there wasn’t a way to differentiate between similar resumes from Japan, the US and Canada, and Mexico other than just a random ordering of similar resumes. I’m comfortable putting resumes in similar “bins” in an all-encompassing list, but actually ordering them started to feel too arbitrary.

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"UR StooPid. (Insert player) is trash. I've watched (pick a sport) for (pick a number of years) and (pick a player) is better than everyone. UR DUMB. HAHA6969."

–Some Jabroni

As cognitively stimulating as this species of comment is, it ends up being a missed opportunity to share a nuanced perspective. I reply to all comments that show even the most basic levels of thought and humility. The people who make the comments like the example above are under the assumption that the three seconds of thought that popped into their brains after reading the list is more than the 1000s of hours that I put into creating and maintaining the lists. I would be happy to defend any placement, or make an adjustment if one is warranted. If you are a jabroni, like the one above, then your comment will die in the lonely void of the unpublished comments section.

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P.S. The theme of this site and the top-100 lists is that athletes from previous generations have historically been grossly overrated by sports publications in a way that is statistically improbable. Click on the "About" dropdown menu to see just how badly the average top-100 list disproportionately favors athletes from older generations when leagues were smaller, race quotas existed, and globalization wasn't a thing. Also, please consider reading "The History" section of the sport you are commenting on.

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